Left for dead smoker
Left for dead smoker

Survivors can be rescued by killing/shoving the Smoker, or by attacking and breaking the tongue. If they fail, the Survivor is helplessly dragged off, and will take damage until they die. When constricted, Survivors have a brief moment (1-2 seconds) to shoot the offending Smoker before their arms are ensnared by the tongue. Though his mentality is similar to that of the typical Infected, he is not distracted by things such as the flashing lights of Pipe bombs, nor is he attracted by car alarms going off. In Left 4 Dead, the Smoker can be seen wearing a white shirt with a green jacket along with jeans and Converse-like sneakers. The left side of his face is bloated and appears to be covered by a large tumor.

left for dead smoker

It is said that the smoke he expels gives off a putrid smell, but it is otherwise harmless. Though he resembles most Common Infected, he is taller, more durable, and his skin has become covered in growths that cause little spurts of green smoke and blood to ooze out when shot.

left for dead smoker

The Smoker has been heavily mutated by a strain of the Infection and frequently makes high-pitched rasping and coughing noises that can alert Survivors of its presence. Cloud of smoke emitted from a slain Smoker.

Left for dead smoker